Hello,my name is Mikhail Gurevich.
I have been designing buildings and master plans since 2004, many of them have been realized. Also I have been busy with design and various kinds of business from school. The first commercial website I made in 1998, back in school. At the University (1998-2003) I owned a small web-studio. In 2002 was co-owener of glass products manufacture and installation company. After the Master’s Degree – several years of work in the office (to understand how the architectural bureau works). In 2008-09 was co-owener of a small architectural bureau. And back to private architectural and design practice in 2010.
In 2013, to solve the large and complex tasks, me and my colleague founded
Masterkaya “KSP” – Bureau of “Complex Architectural Planning and Design”.
Since 2015 I help Moscow Design Museum with complex exhibition expositions.
In 2016 I become co-founder of Ant Road Planner – software which helps design and validate system of urban pedestrian routes.
My brain loves to solve volumetric and time problems. I am always open to dialogue.
What can I do for you::
- Make an architectural research for the facility or site
- Invent the concept of urban plan or master plan
- Draw architectural part of the marketing research
- Design the beautiful and technically competent building
- Create interesting exterior, interior or expositions design
- Make presentation material of the project
- Competent control execution of the project in the life
Projects I’m working on:
- Conceptual urban planing
- Master plan of village or small town
- District or micro district planing
- Technoparks
- Recreation and resorts
- Theatres, cinemas and multiplexes
- Night clubs and restaurant
- Shops
- Villas and single family houses
- Apartments and townhouses
- Residential, Public, Sport buildings and complexes of them
- Expositions
Mikhail Gurevich
Nets: Medium
Channels: Яндекс.Дзен “Architect” | Telegram “Быть архитектором”